
Summer welcomes culture and art fans with a wide range of offers at the highest level.

Country Tour

A discovery tour by bus or a private tour in a cab – tailor-made for the small principality. In two-to-three hours you will learn and experience interesting facts about the Princely House, economy and politics as well as about various worthwhile sights.

ArchitecTour Variety

Just the thing in autumn: discover the exciting architectural spectrum from the princely palace to the modern parliament building. From architects like Friedrich von Schmidt and Gustav Ritter von Neumann to Hans Hollein, Ricardo Porro and Hansjörg Göritz.

On the Trail of Music

Summer sounds: During the roughly two-hour guided tour, we offer intensive insights into the life and work of the famous Liechtenstein composer and educator Josef Gabriel Rheinberger (1839 – 1901). The highlight of this extraordinary tour is a musical performance on the Josef Gabriel Rheinberger organ in Vaduz Cathedral.

Art at the Highest Level

Summer colors: The focus of the City Art Tour is art. The center of Vaduz holds an amazing density of outstanding sculptures by international artists and buildings by renowned architects. There are four museums, virtually all next to one another, with art treasures from past epochs, rarities and modern art of the highest level.

More Culture in Summer?